Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Decorating the tree - Christmas is in the air

tree trimming

I love this time of the year. So festive and full of joy and the weather is behaving itself today so it is really starting to feel like Christmas.

I woke up feeling a little sad this morning as my plans to launch loopylu before Christmas is looking less likely. My manufacturer has really let me down and still no clothes in sight. Up until now I have been feeling positive but now I am being realistic and it's probably just not going to happen... shame shame. Me being me though believes that it all happens for a reason. Once I know what that reason is I will let you know.

Anyway, onward and upward who can't be happy at this time of the year with or without loopylu launching. My family and I are going to have a fabulous Christmas. So much to be thankful for and so much to do.

Does anyone else confuse themselves around Christmas time with their Christmas shopping...?  I need to sort out and write a list as think Jack has an uneven amount of pressies so I will need to do some balancing.


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